Library Visit

Last week, year 5 began their new topic about the Anglo-Saxons by visiting the library in West Bromwich.  We had an interesting morning learning about life as an Anglo-Saxon by using the computers and books that are available at the library.  We also designed bronze helmets and wrote our names as runes on stones.

Thank you to all the staff at West Bromwich library for two lovely mornings.

On the year 5 class page on the school website, we have attached our curriculum plan for summer 1 so that you can see what will be learning this half term.

Rainforest Roadshow Visit

Today, we had a visit from the Rainforest Roadshow.  We have been learning all about the rainforest this term and we had a wonderful last day of term learning even more about the rainforest from Dave who has travelled to rainforests all over the world.

In the morning, he talked to us all about his life in the rainforest and showed us artefacts, pictures and even animals from the rainforest.  Then in the afternoon, we had a chance to stroke some of his animals as well as make tribal jewellery.


Thanks to Dave Shaw for a fascinating and inspiring day.



Sport Relief

A  huge thank you to all the children that contributed towards sport relief through their donations.

As it is SPORT relief, we all did something sporty.  We ran a mile around the field. Some of us ran even further than that!  It was a great atmosphere as all the children and the teachers in the juniors raced around.  Well Done Year 5!


5H Class Concert

Thank you to all the parents that came to support our class concert today.  All the children have really enjoyed practising and performing for you all.  We hope you enjoyed it!

Our assembly was all about the commonwealth and the yearly celebration that is commonwealth day.  We sang, performed a Haka, played African drums and learnt about the nations of the commonwealth.

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